Dear Manhattan Land Trust Gardeners and MLT friends,
Election to the Manhattan Land Trust Board of Directors is essential to maintaining and growing our garden organization, and we need your help to find candidates.
The Board of Directors has a maximum of fifteen (15) board seats. Eight to ten have to be filled by MLT gardeners and five to seven by resource persons, people who have skills and experience to help MLT develop as a successful not-for profit organization. This year, we are looking for up to three (3) new garden members and up to one (1) new resource member to serve on the board.
The Nominating Committee asks you to speak with your fellow gardeners and friends to determine who may be interested in being nominated to the Board as a Garden Member and to consider people you know through your garden work or in your community who may be interested in being nominated as a Resource Person. Any gardener may nominate a candidate or themselves.
BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES: Commitment is crucial! The Board of Directors meets bi-monthly to perform the work of the Manhattan Land Trust. Board members are required to attend a minimum of two-thirds of all Annual, Regular and Special Board meetings during each fiscal year. Each board member should serve on at least one board committee and attending each bi-monthly meeting.
The board performs a significant amount of work. A Director is responsible for understanding and conducting the organization’s business by attending meetings, making and being informed of its policies, business, finances, activities, the acts of its officers, committees, employees and volunteers in order to facilitate the work needed to effectively maintain and operate the organization.
NOMINEES: Interested garden and resource nominees must submit a resume and fill out the nomination form which is attached to this post. Nominees will be contacted by the nominating committee and those selected will be interviewed and asked to attend our Annual Meeting in April 2020. Nomination forms and resumes are due by February 24th, 2020 5:00 pm. Please email nomination forms, resumes, and any questions to:
As a landowner in New York City, MLT’s mission is to maintain community gardens as public green spaces. It is vitally important that we have a strong, informed, and effective organization. Please consider this as you seek nominees for the Board of Directors to the Manhattan Land Trust.
All members of Manhattan Land Trust gardens are invited to attend our Annual Meeting where nominees will be voted onto the Board. We are looking forward to seeing you.
Manhattan Land Trust Nominating Committee 2020